Discretion Reports are filled out by the Pilot in the instance of Work Practice exceedance.
To lodge a Discretion Report:
- Go to your Timesheets.
- Find the entry with the exceedance and click on the Lodge Discretion Report button.
- Scroll down the page and fill in the fields of the report.
Reason for exceeding work practice controls is the mandatory field. Other fields are optional.
When complete, click the Submit Discretion Report button.
Once the Discretion Report is submitted, it will be investigated by Discretion Personnel.
See: Breakdown of the Discretion Report Setup on how to choose the responsible personnel and set up Discretion Safety Categories.
Why is the "Lodge Discretion Report" button greyed out?
The button is greyed out if the exceedance rule calculates the fatigue based on consecutive days, but not all required days in the Timesheet have been filled in.
You can click on the red cross icon to learn which rule has been breached. If the rule looks at 10 consecutive days, the 10 days before the exceedance need to be filled in.
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