Access plays an important role in Air Maestro. It allows selected personnel to view and manage specific areas, and prevent unauthorised access by other users.
Access within Air Maestro can be broken down into four different sources:
- Access Levels and Access Templates
- View and Lodge access for Forms and Safety Reports
- View access for specific Global Reports
- Template-based access for Hazard and Risk Register and Document Library
Access Levels and Access Templates
A user's access is primarily managed via the Access Levels page on a person's profile.
To access the Access Levels of a user, first - open their profile.
- Click on the Access Levels tab to view their Access Levels.
- Ticks next to an area and access type explain whether a user has specific access.
Please see What are all access level permissions? to learn what each access does exactly.
Modify All access for Access Levels is the most powerful access, as it allows a user to change their own permissions. - Each user is given a default template that has minimum access. It is possible to create a variety of templates and assign multiple to a single user.
For steps on how to create Access Templates, please see: How to create (and edit) an Access Template - The Edit button allows a user to edit the access manually for a user.
It is recommended to use templates instead for better control of everyone's access, however, this option is useful when granting a user temporary access to a module.
When in Edit mode, a user can also see the Copy Access Levels area.
This allows for duplicating the access from one user's profile into another's.
View and Lodge access for Forms and Safety Reports
Forms and Safety Reports modules can have additional significance to business operations. To better streamline the processes, and ensure different areas and departments of the business are overseen only by authorised staff, Air Maestro adds additional access controls to Form Types and Safety Report Types.
- Forms
Before granting specific form type access to a user, they need to have the below access in their Access Levels at the minimum:
The above example shows a user with limited View access (a Base/Department) selection, but that is enough for them to see the Forms module, and Submit Self access, which allows them to submit a form.
The access can be extended to View All and Modify All, but that still does not grant a user permission to view or modify every Form by its type.
Form Types are created in the Form Options of the site settings.
For a detailed explanation of how to set up Form Types, please visit: How to Create Form Types
Each Form Type has its own "View, Modify and Submit" access that is located at the end of each Form Type's tab.To edit the access, add or remove the tick next to a user's checkbox and press Save.
- Safety Reports
Before granting a Lodge access to a specific form type to a user, they need to have at least the below Access Level ticked:
The above access shows a user with no View access to Safety Reports, but an ability to lodge a Safety Report.
Despite no View access, this user will still be able to see selected reports if:
- a user chose them to be a Requestee for an Action from the report
- a user requested a follow-up from them in the Investigation Forum
- they submitted the Report
The access can be extended to View All and Modify All, but that still does not grant the user permission to view or modify every Safety Report by its type.
Safety Report Types are created in the Safety Options of the site settings.
For a detailed explanation of how to set up Safety Report Types, please visit: How to create a Safety Report Type
Each Safety Report Type has its own "View" and "Lodge" access that are located at the end of each Safety Report Type tab.To edit the access, add or remove the tick next to a user's checkbox and press Save.
View access for specific Global Reports
The Global Reporting module allows users to create a variety of reports, extracting information from different parts of the site.
Each user who has Modify All access in Access Levels: Global Reporting will be able to create new reports and decide which users have access to view them.
The View access to a Global Report is assigned in 1. Report Area & Type step of a Global Report.
This can be done when creating a new report (via the New Report button), or editing an existing one (via a pencil icon next to the report name).
To edit the access, add or remove the tick next to a user's checkbox and press Next.
In addition, in step 4. Report Filters, a person with Modify All access can choose to allow users with View access to edit a filter when they run the report, by checking the Allow Edit checkbox per each filter.
With the above filter settings, a user with View access, but no Modify All access will see the below page when trying to run the report:
Any filters that do not have Allow Edit ticked, will be greyed out, while other filters will be editable (see HomeDepID vs HomeBaseID for example).
Template-based access for Hazard and Risk Register and Document Library
Access Levels for the Hazard and Risk Register and Document Library give a user the ability to view the modules, but not necessarily every item in it.
Each Hazard Area and Document Folder has its own permissions - they link to Access Templates.
- Hazard and Risk Register
To apply permissions to a Hazard Area:
- Go to the Hazard and Risk Register
- Right-click on any of the Hazard Areas (grey font colour) and choose Hazard Area Permissions.
- A new window will open with all the existing Access Templates on the site.
To change the permission, choose the correct None, Read or Read/Write access for the template.
Inherited means the access will be inherited from the permission chosen for the parent Hazard Area. - To save your changes, click Update.
- Go to the Hazard and Risk Register
- Document Library
To apply permissions to a Hazard Area:
- Go to the Library
- Right-click on a Document Folder and choose Folder Permissions.
- A new window will open with all the existing Access Templates on the site.
To change the permission, choose the correct None, Read or Read/Write access for the template.
Inherited means the access will be inherited from the permission chosen for the parent folder. - To save your changes, click Update.
If the "Pilot" Access Template is given "Read/Write" permission for a folder called "Company Manuals", but "None" permission for a subfolder called "Manuals 2024", John Doe who has a "Pilot" Access Template will be able to see "Company Manuals" folder in his Library, but not "Manuals 2024".
- Go to the Library
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