Exams are created through the "Manage Exams" section of the module and can contain Multiple-choice or Open questions.
Before attempting to create an exam, three things must be completed:
- An appropriate Exam Category must exist - see How to create an Exam Category
- An appropriate Question Category/ies must exist - see How to create a Question Category
- The Question Category/ies need to contain the questions - see our article on How to create Exam Questions
To create an Exam:
- Go to Operations > Exams
- Click on the Create button under Manage Exams
- Add the information about the Exam
- Exam Name and Description identify the Exam
- Exam Category dropdown list allows to allocate the Exam to the previously created Exam Category.
- Exam Marker is the person responsible for marking this Exam. Multiple people can be chosen
- Pass Rate allows to set a pass threshold in %
- You can add Documents to the Exam that can be viewed and downloaded by personnel taking an Exam. Click Attach File to add.
- You can add Recency (one or multiple) to the Exam. They will update upon submission or marking depending on what is chosen.
To add the Recency, start typing its name in the dropdown list field and click on the relevant result that shows. Press Add Recency button to confirm.
Press Next button in the top right corner to proceed.
- You will be asked if you want the questions to be chosen randomly from Question Categories.
Choose the answer and press the Next button.
When YES is chosen
The table with all Question Categories will appear. You will be able to specify how many questions from each category you'd like to include in the Exam.
Press Next to proceed.
You will see an area where you will be able to see all the questions belonging to each category.Use a dropdown list at the top to select a category and preview the questions.
Within the categories you chose to select random questions from, you will see some questions have ticks next to them; it means they were chosen to be in this exam by the system.
You can make changes to the final selection:
- Press on the cross to add this question to the Exam - it will turn into a tick.
Press on the tick to remove this question from the exam - it will turn into a cross.
When you swap between Question Categories, your changes are saved.
Press Next when you are ready to proceed.
When YES is chosen
When NO is chosen
You will see an area where you will be able to see all the questions belonging to each category.
Choose a Question Category via the dropdown list at the top.
Press on the cross to add this question to the Exam - it will turn into a tick.
Press on the tick to remove this question from the exam - it will turn into a cross.
When you swap between Question Categories, your changes are saved.
Press Next when you are ready to proceed.
When NO is chosen
5. You will see the Summary of the Exam, including the final number of questions chosen in each Question Category.
You can tick Auto Mark Exam - this will auto-mark every multiple-choice question as soon as the Exam is submitted by a user. Otherwise, the Exam will require Exam Marker to mark the Exam.
Open questions will still need to be marked by an Exam Marker.
You can also choose to randomise question order:
If any changes are needed, click on the Previous button.
To proceed, click Preview Exam.
6. You can remove or edit specific questions on the Preview Exam page.
If you Edit a question, this question will now be updated in the Library. However, any previously created Exams that used the same question will contain the old version of it and these Exams will need to be manually updated to include the new version of the question.
Otherwise, the old version will be used, but in the Exam Preview, the "NOTE: This question is no longer in the question library." text will be displayed.
You can also change the default order of the questions by using Move Up and Move Down buttons.
If you chose Yes to Randomisiation question - this order will be irrelevant for an Exam taker.
Press Assign Personnel to Exam button to continue.
7. You will see the Assign Personnel to Exam page.
The table at the top does or will feature any personnel that was already assigned to this Exam.
You can assign new personnel to the Exam using Base/Department or Endorsement filters, or do it individually by clicking on the crosses next to a person's name on the list at the bottom of the page.
To select by specific Base, Department, or Endorsement, click on the appropriate radio button, and then on a dropdown list.
Confirm your choice with the Select button. The table underneath will update with ticks next to personnel that belong to chosen filters.
To confirm the choice and proceed, click on the Assign Personnel button in the top right of the screen.
8. A confirmation screen will show with a list of assigned personnel, and the pre-selected dates for the personnel to take the exam.
These dates can be changed by clicking within the field, or on the calendar and clock icons.
Click Add personnel to exam button to proceed.
9. Click on Return to Manage Exams to finish.
The Exam will now show on the Manage Exams page.
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