For personnel to remain current, their recency items need to be updated either by themselves, or by a Recency Contact.
Personnel are reminded of their outstanding recency requirements in the Alerts screen. Personnel can only update recency items which are self-updatable. Self-updatable recency items (for example, an ILS) are determined in the Recency Setup.
All other recency items must be updated by the Recency Contact with the appropriate Modify Selection or Modify All access in Recency Management, or simply a person who has that access, but they are not necessarily appointed as a Recency Contact.
- Select Operations > Personnel. The Personnel screen is displayed.
Alternatively, if the user is visible in the Timesheet Summary on the Home screen, click the recency traffic light icon corresponding with their name. The Recency screen is displayed. Proceed to Step 4. - Filter the Personnel screen according to your requirements.
These can include:
- Using the text box to enter the name.
- Select a value from the Department drop-down list to view personnel located in a particular department.
- Select a value from the Base drop-down list to view personnel located in a particular base location.
- Select the Show In-Active tick box to include personnel that are no longer active in the system. This includes personnel which have ceased employment with your organisation.
Click Filter button to search.
Click Recency to view detailed recency information for the individual.
The Recency screen is displayed. Below is an explanation of some of the relevant terminology:Last Conducted
The date the selected individual last performed the recency item.
The date by which the selected individual is required to perform the recency item.
The selected individual’s compliance status with the recency item.
A tick icon in the Required column indicates an item that the selected individual must perform, to remain compliant.
A tick icon in the Optional column indicates an item which the selected individual can perform but is not required for their compliance.
- Click on
corresponding with the recency item to update.
If the item has previously been conducted, there will be a record(s) of the last conducted date, an expiry date, and the name of the user who updated the item displayed in the table. -
Click + Add Recency.
Enter the date the recency item was last conducted in the Last Conducted text box.
Click the Recalculate Expiry Date icon to view the new expiry date.
The new expiry date is calculated based on the rules set in the Recency Setup area.
Enter any remarks relating to this recency item in the Comments text box.
Click Select in the Image pane and browse for the file related to this recency item.
Click Open. The file name is populated in the File text box.
Click OK. The recency item is updated with the last conducted date.
Click Close Window to return to the Recency screen. You will be prompted to refresh the screen.
Click OK to update the screen with the new expiry date.
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