Form Types are the different types or categories of forms that can be completed by personnel.
For example, your organisation may have a Travel Request form that personnel complete before they can travel on a company trip.
Each Form Type can have its unique settings, including the View and Lodge access.
Please note: Once you set up Form Types, you need to also set up the Form Type Options and the Custom Form Tabs, before the form can be used. See: How to create and customise a Form Tab
To create a Form Type:
- Select Setup> Select Form Options under Forms. The Form Options screen is displayed.
Select the Form Types tab. All the current form types are listed in the grid.
Click + Add New
Complete the form type details as required.
Form Type
Enter the name for the form type. E.g. ‘Travel Request’.
Short Name
Enter the short name for the form type. E.g. ‘Travel’.
Enter the prefix for the form type. E.g. ‘T’.
Enter the description for the form type. E.g. ‘An employee travel request form that is required to be completed prior to all company-related trips’.
Single User Access
Enabling this setting with restrict the editing access of a form instance to one user at a time. Other users who try to access a form that is currently locked will view it in 'Read-Only' mode.
Select whether the form type is active. If this tick box is unselected, the form type will be inactive and unusable.
Click the tick icon. The grid is updated with the new form type.
If any of the default form types do not apply to your organisation, you can disable them by clicking the pencil icon and unselecting the Active tick box, followed by clicking the tick icon. -
Repeat steps 3-5 to add additional form types.
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