"Touring" functionality allows managing users' location and rostering them accordingly.
To manage touring, you will need Rostering > Modify Access Level:
There are a few ways to tour personnel:
Method 1: A user's "Details" page.
- Go to a user's Profile (Details page).
- Click the Edit button in the top, right corner of the screen.
- Scroll down to Touring Details and click on the Add Touring Record button.
- Fill in the date range and Base details of the person who will be touring.
Pressto approve the touring information.
Method 2: Drag and Drop
- Go to the Menu > Operations > Rosters
- In the middle column, expand the Bases and Departments to locate a User you wish to tour. Do the same for their touring location.
- Using the left mouse button, drag and drop the user from one Base to another.
If you drop a user to a different department, they will still be moved to the same department they were originally under, as this method does not support Department change. - In the pop-up window, confirm the destination Base and touring Date Range.
- Press on the Tour button to approve the touring.
Method 3: Bulk Touring
- Go to the Menu > Operations > Rosters
- In the middle column, expand the Menu and click on the Bulk Touring option.
- In the Tour Resources pop-up window, click on the top field to choose the Base and Departments you wish to tour.
You can choose to select a full Base or Department but untick specific personnel that is not relevant. - In the "To Base" dropdown list, choose the Base you wish to tour the personnel to, and the date range relevant to their touring.
You can choose to set up multiple tours via this window:
- If you click on "add" in line with Tour Resources, it will allow you to tour different groups of people
- If you click on "add" in line with "To Base", it will allow you to tour the same personnel to a different location for different dates
- When done, press the Tour button.
When touring personnel, their names will not disappear from their Home Base's Roster. However, their roster tiles will be uneditable and will include the new base's short name to indicate the users are touring.
At the same time, their Touring Base will also contain similar-looking tiles for the roster period outside of the touring range.
In addition, each user listed under a Base due to touring will have an asterisk next to their name.
(The above screenshot shows a different date range, where the roster period covers both touring and non-touring dates.)
Is it possible to tour personnel between Departments?
Yes, it is possible, however, it is done using a different method and we do not refer to this as "touring".
To move a person between departments, use the Employment History table in that user's Personnel Wizard page, to add new employment records.
This person's roster will be subjected to the same view as if they were touring between bases, however, their name will be duplicated amongst different departments instead.
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