Exam Questions are first added to the site's database before they can be added to a specific exam.
There are two types of questions that can be added:
Multiple Choice Questions
Multiple Choice Questions allow for creating a question with multiple answers, where one or more can be correct. They can be set to auto-marking (this is done per exam, however).
To add Multiple Choice Questions:
- Navigate to Menu > Operations > Exams
- Under the Manage Questions section on the left-hand side of the page, choose >Create Multiple Choice
- Fill in the fields.
Each question needs to belong to its own category. If you have not created any categories yet, please see How to create a Question Category
It is not mandatory to attach an image. However, if you decide to do that, please check the image size (its actual dimensions). An image area within an exam question has its limits, so large photographs will not be accepted.
You can add as many answers as you like. If the 4 default rows are not enough, you will have a chance to add more answers once the question is saved.
Mark which answer is correct by ticking the checkbox on the right-hand side. You can choose more than one answer to be correct, however, an Exam Taker will always be able to choose only one answer.
The Reason field is not mandatory but can be used to track the reasoning an answer was selected as correct or incorrect.
The Reason field will only be visible when previewing an Exam containing the question, or when editing the question. It will not show to an Exam Taker or an Exam Marker in relation to a specific exam instance.
- When ready, click on the Create Question button.
The question gets saved the moment the button is pressed.
You will remain on the page and will get a chance to amend any details, as well as add more answers.
You can also convert the multichoice question to a text question, by clicking on the relevant button in the top, right corner.
- To add more multiple-choice questions, click on the same >Create Multiple Choice button on the left-hand side of the page.
Text Questions
Text Questions will ask an Exam Taker to write an open response to a question asked. These types of questions will always need to be marked by an Exam Marker manually.
To add Text Questions:
- Navigate to Menu > Operations > Exams
- Under the Manage Questions section on the left-hand side of the page, choose >Create Text
- Fill in the Question fields.
Each question needs to belong to its own category. If you have not created any categories yet, please see How to create a Question Category
It is not mandatory to attach an image. However, if you decide to do that, please check the image size (its actual dimensions). An image area within an exam question has its limits, so large photographs will not be accepted.
Each question needs to belong to its own category. If you have not created any categories yet, please see How to create a Question Category
- When ready, click on the Create Question button.
The question gets saved the moment the button is pressed.
You will remain on the page and will get a chance to amend any details, as well as add an Answer and Reason to the question. This is optional and can be used as a reference when marking a user's exam.
You can also convert the text question to a multiple-choice question, by clicking on the relevant button in the top, right corner.
- To add more text questions, click on the same >Create Text button on the left-hand side of the page.
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