Exam Categories are used to organise exams into different topics or departments.
Exams Categories need to be set up before Exams are created.
To be able to add new Exam Categories, a user needs a Modify All for Exam Setup Access Level:
To create an Exam Category:
- Go to Menu > Operations > Exams
- In the left-hand side column, choose >Exam under Manage Categories.
- The page with existing Exam Categories will open.
1 - Click on +Add New Exam Category to add a new category.
2 - Each category needs to have a name.
3 - The Number of Exams column indicates how many exams have already been created for this category.
4 - In the Category Access column, personnel need to be chosen who will be able to view the category, edit it and create exams under it.
If a person has full access to the Exams module but is not chosen to access the category, they will not see it on their Manage Exam Categories page and will not be able to create Exams under it.
5 - Click on the pencilwhen you wish to make changes to the Category details.
If the category has no exams, there will also be a bin icon available allowing a user to remove the category. - After clicking on +Add New Exam Category, you will be prompted to fill in the details above.
- Press the tick
icon when complete to add a new Exam Category.
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