Flight Records can be linked to the TTIS value for each aircraft and calculated after each flight.
The process of linking the values consists of the following steps:
Creating a custom field in the Flight Record Setup
Linking the custom field to Aircraft TTIS
- Adding TTIS preview in Flight Records (optional)
1. Creating a custom field in the Flight Record Setup
To record hours performed on an aircraft, the Flight Record needs to have a numeric (or calculated) field, that pilots can fill in for each flight.
To create the custom field:
- Go to Setup > Flight Records Setup
- Scroll down to the Flight Fields section.
Custom Fields are created in this section.
Each item goes by its own unique Field Name, it can have a different Field Type (also referred to as a Control Type) and can belong to a group, which keeps this area more organised and helps customise the layout better.
We recommend creating every field and group within the main group called "Page" or "Root", as this allows to set an initial layout for the whole Flight Record.
- Enter the main group via the magnifying glass to the right, and click on the Add New Field button.
- Fill in the field's information.
1 - Control Type allows you to choose the type of field. For this purpose - we want the Numeric or Calculated Field.
The former is a manual field that will only accept numbers, the former is an automatic field that calculates the number based on other existing, numeric fields and the formula chosen.
2 - Control Name has to be unique, cannot contain special characters, and will display only in the Flight Fields setup.
3 - Control Label is what displays for a pilot entering the flight record. It does not need to be unique and is responsive to HTML language.
4 - Width Override - specified in px, it controls how far the start of the Control Label will be from the field box. If
5 - Border applies a slight border around the field.
6 - Display Label means the pilot will see the label's name in the flight record.
7 - Control Tooltip allows adding extra information to the field, that will display when a user hovers over the "i" icon.
- Choose any of the additional options as preferred:
- Click Insert.
- The new field should show at the end of the table, as well as in the Preview underneath.
Use arrows next to the added Field Name to move the field's location.
During initial creation, the field gets created inside the group that a user was in.
To change its location or edit other details, click on the pencil icon. The page will now have an additional Groups option, where the location can be changed.
2. Linking the custom field to Aircraft TTIS
To update aircraft TTIS, the custom field needs to be linked to the Aircraft Counter.
To link the field to TTIS:
- Go to Setup > Aircraft Maintenance Setup
- In the table, click on the
for TTIS Counter:
- Expand the Custom Field dropdown list and choose the relevant option.
- Approve the change by clicking on the tick.
The field is now linked. Each time a pilot chooses an aircraft in their Flight Record and adds a value to the custom field, the TTIS for this aircraft will update.
Before pilots start using the field, make sure each aircraft's counter is at the correct value. To check that - go to Operations > Aircraft and click on the magnifying glass for every aircraft in the register.
There will be an Aircraft Counter in the top, right corner of the screen.
If this number is not currently correct - click on the to edit the value.
3. Adding TTIS preview in Flight Records
The preview of the last TTIS can be added inside the Flight Record as a field, as well as in the Flight Record register.
Adding TTIS value to a Flight Record
To create a TTIS Counter inside the form of a Flight Record:
- Go to Setup > Flight Record Setup
- Scroll to Flight Fields and open the group where the previously created custom field sits.
- Click on Add New Field.
- Choose Control Type: Cumulative Time and set Default to current TTIS of selected aircraft as a Default Value.
Ticking Read Only will ensure the user cannot change this value manually.
Fill in the remaining fields as needed.
- Click Insert
The field is now added and its location can be changed by using arrows.
- Go to Setup > Flight Record Setup
Adding TTIS Counter to a Flight Record Register
- Go to Operations > Flight Records
- Click on the plus button next to Columns.
- Click on the pencil icon of the Columns to Display section.
- Tick the TTIS Cumulative field and on the Update Columns button.
- The TTIS field is now added to the Columns list. Tick it and choose Update Grid to refresh the page.
- Go to Operations > Flight Records
Why are my TTIS values out of order in the Flight Record register?
The system looks at the highest (most up-to-date value) at the time of adding a flight. If the flight was added with a delay, this value will not be accurate to what the aircraft TTIS was before the flight.
This system works best when flights are added in the order they happened.
Why is the aircraft's TTIS in the Flight Records different from its TTIS in the Aircraft Counter in the Register?
There are three possibilities:
> A pilot entered an incorrect value in the custom field linking to the TTIS in the flight record (not the latest one)
> A flight record (not the latest) was deleted from the system
> Two or more pilots were entering a flight record around the same time for the same aircraft
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